Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Butchering Season

I mentioned to Tom that we should look up information on the correct time to butcher goats. One of our friends had a wild hog butchered at a place in our town, so Tom is going to find out if they butcher goats, too.

I googled it and found that about nine months of age is the time. Tom said that he read for Boer goats it's six months to a year. In any event, it is time. Pansy's boys are ten months old.

I've been dreading this. Hopefully, Tom can just take them to the butcher and bring them back in packages. Oh.


  1. We raise boers too, but I just don't think I can do it. We started in now on the dairy breeds. That, I can handle!

  2. We're finding that all the meat processing places around here require that you slaughter and gut the animal yourself. It has something to do with gov't regulations. I found one place in a nearby town that will slaughter, but they only do beef and domesticated goats. So, it's looking very much like we're going to have to do it ourselves. Well, Tom will have to do it himself.


Talk to me.