Thursday, January 28, 2010

From the Mouth of Babes

My friend stopped by for a visit today and brought her five year old granddaughter, Carmen. I took her into Tom's office with me to get her some paper to write on. Short conversation ensued.

Carmen, "This is a messy room."

Me, "I know!"

Carmen, "Who made this mess?"


  1. April6:18 PM

    LOl..did you stand back and say "not me, not me"..or did you just point your finger at Tom and say "he did it!"

  2. This conversation surprises me.

  3. April, I was quick to point the finger. Heh.

    Meagan, maybe it was an indication of just HOW messy the room was.

  4. Kids are just so sweet and funny.

    We had a little neighbor boy move in some years ago -- he was also 5, and we were remodeling -- well, we're still remodeling. He took one look at our project and said "Boy -- you guys really need to clean up your place"


  5. Yes, wouldn't we like to know who did it. LOL. love, V


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