Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Trying to weed the garden with a cat or two is nearly an impossible task. They can't just be "nearby", they must be right where your face or hands are at all times. Digging out a weed? Try getting past the cat body first.

And then, here comes Harry. He has to chase the cats all over the garden. Not out in the pasture. No, in the garden. And then, when I tried to chase Harry out of the garden, where he was plowing around like a tractor, he decided it was a game and called for more running and plowing. I was so mad at him that I threw the only thing I had favorite pair of pruning shears that were in my pocket.

I threw. I missed. Harry said, "Nah-nah nah-nah naaaah-nah!" I saw the shears land on the other side of him, but when I went to pick them up...they were gone. Disappeared. I searched and searched. Tom used the big magnet-on-a-pole thingy (that we use to pick up nails and stuff ) to search and he didn't find it either. I know they are there. Somewhere. Rusting.

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