Monday, March 09, 2009


My neighbor suggested that I borrow her horse trailer to move the donkeys when it's time to wean (in two days). Of course, they won't go in it, so I'm not exactly sure how it will help. Neighbor brought the trailer over and parked it in the donkey pasture. The idea is to feed them in it so that they be comfortable with it, then on the designated day, they'll go in to eat and I'll just close the door behind them. Easy peasy!


The trailer wasn't moved in until last night. Today was the first day I tried putting their food in it. They wouldn't go in - at least not while I was watching. If the food is gone tomorrow, I'll know that they snuck in during the night. In any event, two days is not enough time to condition them to the trailer.

I think the best plan is to get Henry and Kip into separate stalls in the barn and let them pitch their I-want-mommy fits in a safe, enclosed environment that I have easy access to.

There are multiple problems with this plan. I'm mulling over solutions. In the meantime, still trying to get the halter on Kip.

Tom is still dealing with water heater fall-out. The new heater was installed today. We have very good insurance. State Farm has always done right by us. Of course, it helps to have an agent that is a member of the church. We've been told that they will pay for the replacement of all the damaged carpet rather than just having it cleaned. Since the carpet was installed in huge pieces (like our whole master bedroom and bath was installed as one whole piece rather than cutting it at the doorway), we will be getting a great deal of new carpet. And since the water heater guys really dirtied up the stairway carpet, the insurance company will pay for new carpet there, too. Of course, we have a deductible, but we might actually break even or better because we were going to have to have the carpet cleaned anyway.

So, even though this event is terribly inconvenient, we might be better off for it.


  1. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Yay! New stairway carpet! I was thinking about that today... about how gross it is and what a pain it would be to redo every single stair and how unlikely I thought it was that it would be done. Awesome!

    And yeah, the trailer should have probably been inside the pasture weeks ago. Maybe you should have blocked up the entrance to the loafing shed so when it rains tonight (maybe?) they'll have to go in the trailer.

  2. Well, I couldn't very well tell said neighbor, "Would you hurry up and get your trailer in my pasture!"

    My Plan B is to just walk (or drag) Henry to the barn by himself and wean Kip next month.

  3. just keep feeding them in they trailer. you will want them comfortable with it anyways.. so might as well do it now. just only feed them in there. :) good luck again! if you need any thing, just call.


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