Sunday, March 08, 2009

When It Rains...

I was thinking as I was writing the To Do List entry that things are going too good and I shouldn't be writing that. I was too smug. Well, I wasn't really smug because I was aware that something must always go bad as soon as things are going good. Was I right?

First, the Dodge truck broke down as Tom was driving it in town towing a trailer. Something to do with the fuel system. Thankfully, he was close to the Dodge dealership and could leave it there for repair. Big money.

Then, last night the realtor called Tom. The house was being shown to a prospective buyer and there was water dripping from the ceiling of the master bedroom. For those not familiar with our previous home, there are no pipes above the master bedroom. There is only another bedroom above it and above that - the attic, which contains the hot water heater.

Tom had to rush to the house an hour and a half away to check things out. The hot water heater has come to the end of it's lifespan. Hot water heaters do not die alone. They like to take part of the house with them. The water has leaked through the ceiling on the second floor, soaking a large area of ceiling, wall, and carpet; down into the first floor, soaking more ceiling, wall, and carpet. Tom soaked up as much as he could with every towel in the house and turned all of the water off.

He went back today to pull up the carpet and take out the carpet pad. Tomorrow he has to go back to deal with the new water heater installer, the insurance company, the carpet company, the dry wall repairer and whatever else needs to be dealt with. Big money.

Tom went out to load up the Dodge for tomorrow trip back. The truck is dead.

On another note, Wednesday is a full moon. I never knew anything about full moons and never have paid attention to them. Who knew we had a full moon every month? I think. Anyway, those in the know recommend weaning equines during a full moon. It's time to wean Kip and Henry. Wednesday is the scheduled day. I'm not sure how we're going to accomplish the separation, but we're going to give it our best shot.


  1. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Wait, so are you going to have to pay more for a new truck? Or pour more money into fixing this one?

    As for the hot water heater situation =\, that's not good at all. I guess meagan was out there with y'all all weekend, huh?

    I felt bad, I wanted to help dad out. Stupid tests. I'd help out tomorrow, but... lame work from 1-10.

    Concerning the general theory of something must always go wrong when everything is going right, isn't that the truth! *sigh*

  2. Fixing old truck. Can't afford a new one.

    Don't feel too bad. Yes, Dad could use some help, but right now, for you, school comes first.

  3. good luck with the weaning! :)

  4. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Honestly, the ceilings and walls don't look that damaged. I'm not an expert, but it looks like they could just be painted and be fine. I don't see damage on the walls at all. But, there's kind of a lot of stuff in my room, so it's hard to tell. And I can't see the face of the carpet since it's turned over, but I can't imagine it's that bad! Though, free carpet - whatever.

    It's not a devastating loss. What's devastating is the pile of junk in my room.

    Also, you neglected to mention your withered pansies and a dead sprinkler system.

  5. Even though I had imagined withered pansies last night, I didn't actually know they had progressed to the laying flat on the ground stage. I had told Dad last night to program the sprinkler before he left the house today. When he went to do it, he discovered part of it wasn't working. Thanks for manually watering and saving the landscape.


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