Our neighbor was out checking on her horses late last night and heard baby goats crying. She went to check and Pansy had had her babies in the shed. She called us and we went out to get them since the weather forecast was stormy and cold.
So in the middle of the night, we (with our neighbor's help) lead Pansy and Billy and carried the babies to the barn. Pansy is not used to the lead rope, so I started out by dragging her, then our neighbor took over and even carried her part of the way. Pansy probably weighs about 50-60 pounds. Surprisingly, she did not struggle while being carried. Our neighbor is a woman, which begs the question, "Just who is the Pansy here?"
Pansy seems to be a better mother than Hyacinth was in the beginning. She had the babies all cleaned up and doesn't kick them away when they try to nurse. The babies are two boys (I think). The white one is really showing his boer roots. I don't know where that little fawn one got his coloring. It would be interesting to know their bloodline. They sure don't have much of their sire in them.
Having all the goats in the barn, as well as the pouring rain, is putting a crimp in my donkey weaning plans. I don't have an empty stall now, so the only way I'd have room for a donkey is if I put Pansy in with Hyacinth, which would probably be OK, but if we don't get a break in the rain, I won't be going out there trying to get Henry in the barn.
yay! i can't wait to see them!!!