We moved Henry (oldest donkey baby) to the barn yesterday. I ended up walking him on a lead rope from the front pasture to the barn. He was a little hesitant, but didn't give me much trouble...until we got to the barn. He did NOT want to go in. At that point, Tom came to help me. He ended up dragging Henry, who was sitting back on his haunches with his front feet braced out in front of him. Fortunately, he couldn't get any traction on the concrete so he slid most of the way. When we got to the stall door, he really made a fuss, although not as much of a fuss as I imagine Kip will make. Tom pulled and I pushed and we got him in the stall.
After that, he has been very calm. Because my neighbor told me so (she has weaned many baby horses), I expected a royal fit of kicking and rearing and flinging. She told me not to go in the stall with him for a couple of days because I'd get hurt. Pshaw. Henry has been a sweetheart and I've gone in the stall several times already. He mostly stands in the corner, scared I think, but he'll come up to me for a treat and a pat and he's eating fine. His mom has been making a racket out in the pasture calling for him though.
I knew Henry was my favorite! Who said Kip was cuter when he was born? Psh, not me! No way.