Monday, October 28, 2013

Strawberry Boat Update

Remember the old aluminum boat that I wrote about?

Here it is, revamped and ready for next year's strawberry crop.

I painted it and put our farm name on it.

I had read that sandy loam is best for strawberries.  Our soil is very sandy, but I don't know about the loamy part, so our neighbor offered us some of the sandy loam he had dug out of his property.  Tom brought some home in the dump truck and we put about half of it in the boat.  The rest of it will be used to fill low spots in the yard.

I topped it off with pine straw, also recommended on gardening sites.  I already planted some strawberry plants that I had bought about a month ago and they seem to like it so far.  We got some rain this weekend and it really perked the plants up.

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