Monday, April 12, 2010

The Moles

OK, it's time to get serious about our mole problem.

When I was out in the garden this morning, I noticed one of my broccoli plants looking kind of wilted and sad.  I thought maybe it wasn't getting enough water or something.  Then when I went back to the garden this afternoon, the whole broccoli plant (and it even had a little head of broccoli started on it) was completely gone!  Poof.  Disappeared.  So I dug around a little to see if there was even a root there and what did I find?!  A mole tunnel.  That stinkin' mole had pulled the entire plant down into it's tunnel. 

Tom ordered a Critter Gitter ( ) off the internet a week or so ago and it arrived last week, but is still sitting by the front door, unopened.  I came across the Critter Gitter while surfing the net for mole solutions.  It is a gadget that hooks up to the exhaust of a vehicle - truck, car, tractor, whatever.  It has a hose and a probe thing that you poke down into the mound or tunnel.  Theoretically, it gasses the mole and kills it under the ground...or, if it pops up out of another hole, we can have Harry and the cats ready to pounce.

I think mole extermination needs to be priority number one around here, or I won't have a garden left this year.

I'll post a review of the Critter Gitter after Tom uses it.  Wish us luck.


  1. April8:48 AM

    Hmm..doesn't sound like it would work because the gas fumes would be less potent as it moves along the ground and that mole probably has many, many yards of tunnel. It is a priority for sure..especially since the mole probably knows you don't let Harry dig in the garden :o)

    I wonder what mom and them did back when they were farming? Maybe ask them too.

  2. I think you're supposed to gas every hole and tunnel that you can find. That way, there's exhaust everywhere. We'll see.


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