Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Casualties of the Mole Invasion

Tom got the Critter Gitter out yesterday morning to gas my garden moles, but he couldn't find their hole and I was leaving for Dallas, so he gave up.  In the meantime, Mr. Dead Meat Mole has been busy.

This is a potato plant that was perfectly healthy the evening before.  The roots have been eaten off and when I removed the plant I found the mole tunnel right under it and leading in the direction of the other potato plants.  I guess the mole got tired of broccoli.

The potato plant in the middle of the picture shows some signs of damage also.  This morning I showed Tom the tunnel and we put the Critter Gitter hose into it.  Tom gassed it for 15 minutes.  I had to go milk the goat, but Tom said that exhaust was coming out of the ground in other places, which must have been the mole's exits.  Hopefully, the mole died down there and didn't sneak up out of the ground for fresh air.

1 comment:

  1. April5:01 PM

    Maybe drop some poison in various places around the mole hole? Maybe down in the hole in the garden so Harry won't get it.


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