Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More Chicken Coop

At the end of the day of chicken coop building, Tom's drill and power saw batteries ran out. He so wanted to finish cutting this one board so he could install the door, but the only handsaw he could find was this little bitty saw from Paden's childhood tool kit. Tom used it and after much effort, he finally got the lumber cut. By then, it was so late in the day that we didn't get the door installed after all.
It rained today so we took this opportunity to go to Dallas and check on the repair progress of our other house. It's almost completed and the new carpet should go in next week. If the weather is good for the rest of this week, we hope to finish the chicken coop.


  1. thats such a funny picture of tom holding that little saw!

  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    That's hysterically funny. I can't believe that saw was even brought to the farm!

  3. Yeah, go figure. We bring a toy saw to the farm and leave the real saws in the city.


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