Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bummed? No...Mad

To register our Nubian dairy goats it is recommended that we choose a herd name. When naming a goat to be registered, the herd name comes first. If you don't have a herd name, then they simpy put "The" in front of the name. I didn't want everything to be "The", so I applied for a herd name. The application has space for three choices. My choices were "Silver Dollar", "Pearly Gate", and our last name. I only put our last name because I didn't dream that the other two would be taken, I couldn't think of anything else, and I knew that our last name would be entirely unique so nobody else would have applied for it.

Well, I got the paperwork back today and the herd name is our last name - my last choice. Now I'm feeling extremely bummed...even to the point of anger. Not sure why I'm feeling angry. I really didn't want our name to be the herd name. I'm thinking about calling the association and challenging the notion that the other names were already taken - especially Pearly Gate. I mean, why would anyone name their herd "Pearly Gate"? Besides me, that is.

I spent the day in Dallas looking at fabric for curtains for all these windows in the house. That is exhausting. I also ran a bunch of other errands. I didn't buy the fabric, but I brought a bunch of samples home. Nearly all of them could work, so I just have to decide which of them I want to use. Or maybe I want to get more samples. I always feel like I have to look at every piece of fabric within 100 miles of me or I might miss the one fabulous fabric that I NEED. Heh. Actually, I didn't see any fabric that I would call fabulous. Maybe that's the problem. If I don't love it, it's hard to make a decision.


  1. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Dude, I told you. Let's call them up this weekend and have it changed.

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Also, you should have taken me fabric shopping with you.

  3. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Yes, dude..I agree..challenge the name. You haven't had it long enough for them to say "you waited to late"


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