Wednesday, July 26, 2017

And the Cherry Tomatoes Keep On a Comin'

I thought I'd try another way to use the cherry sauce.  I scoured Pinterest for the perfect recipe.  I mean, how do you make pizza sauce pizza sauce?  It basically has the same ingredients that spaghetti sauce and lasagna sauce do.  Tomatoes, oregano, basil, thyme, garlic, onion.

No recipe really struck me as outstanding.  I looked at the ingredients on the jar of pizza sauce that I have in my refrigerator (which always gets moldy because I don't use it up fast enough), but it only says "spices".  So, I kind of made up my own by using the ingredients in two or three other recipes that I saw.

I grow oregano, basil, and thyme in my herb garden and wanted to use all fresh herbs, so I didn't follow any particular measurements.  I just used a lot of each.  Who knows if this will be any good.  It might just taste like spaghetti on crust.  But, I don't have anything to lose and it will get the tomatoes off of my kitchen counter.

I chopped up an onion and about four garlic cloves and sautéed them in olive oil until soft.

Then I added the tomatoes.  There are a couple of Roma tomatoes thrown in there.  Just because.

A handful each of fresh basil, oregano, and thyme.  Of course, I stripped the leaves off the stems.

Photo op.  Ain't that purty?

After letting it simmer for about an hour, I tossed it in my amazing Breville and processed it until smooth.  Pizza sauce is supposed to be a brighter red than that and maybe a little thicker.  Some of the recipes that I read said to add tomato paste, but I wanted this to be all fresh produce, so I didn't do it.

When I make pizza, I only use about three tablespoons of sauce, so I decided to package my sauce in individual packets.  Looks like spaghetti sauce popsicles. 

I sealed them up with my food saver.  Hint:  When using the food saver for liquid or really wet things,  fill the bag, then freeze, then seal.  Otherwise, the liquid will be sucked out into the appliance and it won't seal.

So, I have about a years worth of pizza sauce.  

We'll see how it tastes the next time I get a hankering for pizza.

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