Anyway, I chose chèvre for today's cheese. It is a french-style soft cheese.
Once again, I started out with fresh whole milk in the vat, five quarts this time, and warmed it to 80 degrees. I sprinkled DVI Chèvre Culture over the warmed milk and stirred. Then I added diluted rennet and stirred again. Then, as per the instructions, I put the lid on and left it undisturbed for eight hours.
It was pretty quick and simple.
This is what it looked like after eight hours. I didn't dare even lift the lid or jostle it during that time period for fear of messing something up. So, I was excited to see if it had done anything, and it had! I was happy to see that it was a large solid mass. I tilted the pan for the picture to show how it pulls away from the edge en masse. There was a film of whey over the top.
Then I poured it into a cheesecloth lined colander to let it drain. After a large portion of whey had drained out...
I pulled up the edges of the cheesecloth and tied them so that I could hang it to drain more. My banana hanger worked pretty good for this part. I had to empty the blue bowl several times.
After about six hours of draining, the cheese had taken on the contours of the cheesecloth. It looked sort of like a pumpkin. I divided it into containers and put it in the refrigerator. I'll do an internet search for a good recipe to season it.
I was very happy with how it turned out. Hopefully, it will taste as good as it looks.
This looks delicious. I'd say crackers would be good with it as it is.