Friday, March 21, 2014

Yum, Bacon

Because everything should taste like bacon.

We have this shop in town that is a discount grocery.  The owner buys up lots of products from other retailers that, say, might be ready to expire, or the packaging might be damaged, etc.

He gets weird and unusual stuff and it's fun to shop there every once in a while.  I can try out different products without risking too much money if the product is no good.

I bought this bacon salt yesterday.  Had it on my popcorn last night and, oh yeah, it was good.  So, I had it on my egg this morning.  Also, yummy.

I had a bit of an intestinal problem this morning, but didn't think much of it.  As I was eating my bacon flavored egg, I got to thinking, "How do they make salt taste like bacon, anyway?".  I read the label.  Which is something I always do before I buy something, but for some reason, I didn't even think about reading the label on this impulse buy.  Uh, mistake.  Ingredients:  seat salt, paprika, corn, syrup, wheat flour....  Who puts wheat flour in salt?  

J&D's Down Home Enterprises does, that's who.

And, yes, people, apparently just a few shakes of seasoning salt containing wheat (gluten) can mess with a celiac's gut.  


1 comment:

  1. Yep.. some of them put wheat in beef jerky too :o(


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