Monday, September 23, 2013

Chicks, Again

OK, I'm starting over with chicks again.  The spring chicks had just started to lay eggs when all but two of them were killed off.  Now we'll have to wait another 2-3 months before the new ones will start laying eggs.

I got a few Americauna, Black Astralorpe, one Rhode Island Red, and that grey one on the right is a Blue Andalusian.

The aquaponics cabbage has grown a lot, but still hasn't put on a head.  Pumpkin and watermelon seedlings are growing pretty good and Tom planted a few broccoli that have sprouted.  

1 comment:

  1. Had dinner the other night with a couple who have chickens, and he thinks Black Astralorpes are the best layers. If they live, I guess you'll see!


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