Friday, May 24, 2013

Butternut Squash, or No?

What in the world is this?

I had these plants spring up in the section of the garden where the butternut squash grew last year.  Since some of the squash was left on the vine last year and the seedlings looked like squash plants, I assumed that it had reseeded itself and I just let it grow.

Now, I'm not at all sure that this is a squash plant.  It's too big, too upright and still doesn't have any blossoms on it.  As you can see in the picture, it is bigger than nearly three-year-old Liam.

And this is how big the leaves are.

And I keep thinking these things on the top are blossoms, but they just keep growing leaves.

Some of them stand straight up and some of them lean over kind of like a vine.

I haven't seen another plant on our place that looks like this, but if it's some weed, this won't be the first time I've let a plant grow, thinking it was something else and it turned out to be just a monster weed.

I guess I'll find out eventually if this is a squash plant when it does or does not actually grow a squash.  But I sure hate wasting all this growing time if it's not.


  1. Hi there! You are so lucky, it's a Sunflower! It will soon flower and then you'll have the gorgeous seed head afterwards to feed to your garden birds! Regards, Maree

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