The azaleas that Paden got me for Mother's Day have been in full bloom for about a month now and the roses are still going strong. The orange one in the foreground was also a Mother's Day gift from Tom...just a stick and a root ball when I planted it. The yellow one in the background was one that I bought at a street fair in the Spring. I know absolutely nothing about roses, but have noticed these two have a different growth habit. I'm very excited to see what they are like next year when they've have time to grow more.
I've forgotten what these are called, but I grew them from some of my seed-swap seeds. They were three tiny plants that survived the chicken scratching. I had a nice little patch of balloon flowers beside them that the hens completely destroyed (grrr!)
I also grew some Zinnia from seed. They reseeded themselves and this one sprang up in the midst of the small Butterfly Bush. It's such a pretty color, don't you think? If the chickens will stay out of there, I should have quite a patch of Zinna next summer.
My little fairy garden is blooming too! My miniture roses are blooming and my fall mums are too..they are both dark red so atleast the colors are fall colors. and of course we "halloweened" the fairy garden..I need to take a picture and send it to you