Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Our Trip

Aside from the actual travel, which was hideous, our vacation was lovely.  Our hosts, Tom's cousins, were wonderful and fed us gourmet meals every day.  Gourmet and healthy and beautiful, I should say.

Here they are.  They look like they might be having fun.  Imagine that, having fun cooking.  This is a new concept for me.  I'm a good cook,  in my Southern cooking kind of way;  I cook because I want to eat and nobody else is going to do it for me. I cook good tasting things because I don't eat bad tasting things.  But fun?  Cooking?  Not. 

But, yes, they actually enjoy cooking and they do it well.

Grilled striped sea bass straight out of the ocean, with a wonderful topping of cucumber, red bell pepper, and olives; sides of steamed asparagus and corn on the cob grilled in the husk.  The corn was lightly buttered (with olive oil mayo, actually, but butter works) then rolled in freshly grated parmesan.  It was all wonderful.

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