Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Taking the Day Off

Well, sorta.  My house is a wreck, my frigerator is empty.  I haven't cleaned it since starting the patio project and I haven't done a thorough grocery shop since Tom's family was here back at the beginning of April!  I didn't realize how long one could go without grocery shopping when one doesn't have to buy eggs or milk.  So today I'm taking the day off from outside work. 

Clean house.
Meet a friend for lunch.
Go grocery shopping.
Go look at an 1973 Airstream aluminum travel trailer for possible purchase.

Unfortunately, I think that 1973 is considered "vintage".  I was 13 yrs. old in 1973 and it was the year after my father died.  I was in the seventh grade and was still snaggle-toothed from losing a couple of my baby teeth.  Is that normal?  I remember that I was without those teeth for a long time.  Ugh.  Not a good year for school pictures...not a good year altogether.


  1. Bah. That man sold that Airstream right out from under me. No fair.

  2. April2:31 PM

    A Pox upon him! :o)

  3. Oh no! I would have liked to stay in a silver twinkie...

    But yay for food!


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