Friday, April 16, 2010

Drapery Progress

I am actually making progress on the drapes.  I've finished the two narrow windows that flank the bed.  Now I just have to make two panels about three to four times the width of these for the window wall.

One of the two finished.

I used pleater's tape and four pronged hooks (bought from this website ) to make the pinch pleats.  It's the first time I've made pinch pleats and the tape made it simple.  You just sew the tape onto the back side of the flat drapery panel, then slide those prongs up into the channels of the tape, skipping channels to make the spaces between pleats. 

I'm thinking the pleats aren't quite "pinched" enough.  Using the prongs makes them kind of loosely pinched.  I could remedy this by making a little stitch at the bottom of each pleat, but that's a time consuming task that may or may not ever get done.

On another note, Tom and I were discussing our bedroom area rug (which has been in our room for a least a year) the other night while driving somewhere.  He insisted that the rug is "tan".  Tan?  Really?  Granted, the rug has a lot of shades of brown in it - tan, chocolate, gold - but the basic color of this rug is blue/aqua (and even gray).  When we got home and he looked at it, he finally conceded that it was not tan, but that it is green.  I'm thinking that Tom doesn't see things the way I see them.  What do you think?


  1. I'm thinking you did a gorgeous job on those drapes!! Tan or not - the rug seems to submit to the drapes, just fine! If the rug were to catch your eye before the drapes - that would make the height of your room appear shorter. LOVE IT!!!!

  2. Thanks. I'm pleased with how they turned out. That's really a more formal, heavy fabric than I wanted for that room, but it turned out to be OK. They are more subtle than I thought they'd be and make the room feel "quiet", which I like. And Tom likes that they make the room very dark when closed.

  3. Dad thinks I have black hair.

  4. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Thanks for posting photos of the drapes created with tape. Looking into making some myself, but there aren't many photos of the finished drapes out there.


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