Tuesday, March 02, 2010

It's a Boy

Hyacinth's new baby was born today.  When I went out to feed the goats, I noticed she was noticeably thinner and knew right away that she had given birth.  I ran down to the shed halfway expecting to find it dead because she had just left it there.  But it was fine, just laying in the sunlight shining into the front of the shed.  I am so glad she only had one this year.  Since she was such a bad mother last time, I was afraid we might have to go through that again.  Also, since she had mastitis last year and one side of her udder stopped producing milk, I thought that side was ruined for good.  But, her whole udder is very full and looks normal, so that's great.  Maybe I'll get lots of milk this season after all.

And this is why we had to get rid of all but two roosters and for the past couple of days we've had those two penned up separately from the hens.  This is what they do to their backs.  We let the roosters out today and penned up two of the hens with the worst wounds.  This is why I need to learn how to make chicken jackets!

Weird that somebody stole two of our Medina for Governor signs.  Was it meanness or did a Medina supporter want a sign for their own yard?  I suspect it was meanness.  I can't imagine a Medina supporter stealing a sign.


  1. When we go into business together, I'll help you make chicken jackets. We can market them at Canton.

  2. So what's his name? Buckwheat?

  3. Has to be a flower.

  4. I tried making a chicken saddle, but ended up using duct tape! Works much better, stays in place (but not adherred to the skin), chicken can happily rejoin the flock! You can see my "Duct Cluck" on my blog (I think if you click my name it takes you there?). --Johanna

  5. Unfortunately roosters are just rough on the hens. If there are not enough hens for each rooster then they will peck at them. Maybe time to cook some roosters. Coq au vin maybe?

  6. We have two roosters and nine hens. The roosters don't peck on them, they tear up their backs because of the constant breeding. I'm going to try the duct tape that Johanna suggested.


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