Friday, February 12, 2010

Winter Wonderland

We got record snow here in TX and aren't likely to see it again in many years - maybe in our lifetime. It's beautiful...and even quieter than it usually is here. I tossed on a coat over my PJs and slipped on my boots just to run out and take a few pictures, but when I got out there, it wasn't terribly cold and was so beautiful that I ended up staying out much longer than I planned.


  1. April6:57 AM

    It is so beautiful!! Drew and I briefly considered taking the kids out of school and driving up for the weekend just so the kids could actually play in the snow..but we decided against it ... to much going on with his job. These pictures make me wish we'd done it. :o(

  2. Oh, I would have loved to have y'all here. It really was fabulous. And it wasn't terribly cold outside, either. There's still quite a bit on the ground but it's all spotty, drippy, and squishy. No fun to play in it now.

  3. That muffled sound everything has in a fresh snowfall, I know what you mean. Was it as bright as daytime out during the night too? I don't know what causes that, but it's lovely too. --Val


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