Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fabulous Fifty

It's my birthday today. I'm 50. Ugh.

This is my birthday present from my very best friend from high school. My -- Main Street dragging, screaming over boys, crying over boys, going barefoot to the movie (what were we thinking? It was HER idea!), horseback riding, yakking all night, cutting class to go shopping, lamenting our single status, going to a concert and staying 10 minutes, arriving late and leaving football games early, be there for each other no matter what -- gurl fren'.


  1. You didn't go to concerts.

    You didn't cry over boys.

    You didn't skip class.

    and you didn't drag race!

    p.s. is the one looking at the magazine you as well?

  2. You were a rebel.

  3. I did say "concert" singular. Heh. And dragging Main didn't mean racing. It meant driving aimlessly up and down the street waving (or ignoring, as may be the case) at fellow draggers.

  4. Oh, and no, that woman looking at the magazine is not me.

  5. April8:43 AM

    She did drag main street..I was there one time..on the floorboard with my head down on the seat so NO ONE could see that she was taking her little sister...floor was sticky, dirty and cramped and I wasn't allowed to talk..best night of my life!! LOL


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