Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Fish Experiment

I read somewhere to put goldfish in livestock waterers (tanks, buckets, automatic waterers, etc.) to keep the mosquito population down. The theory is that they will eat the mosquito larvae and live just fine in the tanks. So while I was in Dallas yesterday I dropped by the pet store and discovered that I could buy "feeder fish" for 13-24 cents a piece depending on how big the fish was. I guess I never knew that some people had pets that required feeding them live fish.

So I bought six of them, figuring that if they all died from my experiment, I wouldn't be losing more than a buck fifty and they were destined to die anyway. I put them in three different waterers yesterday, checked them today and they are all still living as far as I can tell. A couple of the buckets have an overhang that the fish can hide in and I couldn't see them in one of those buckets, but in the other two, they were swimming around. So far so good.


  1. April7:35 PM

    Will you have to feed them extra food incase they don't get alot of bugs?

  2. This is a good idea because these water things are super gross.

    Now, what will you do when it gets much colder?

  3. The pet store guy said the fish need to be in cold water and that they should still be fine in the winter.

    But I do think I'll need to feed them, especially in the winter when there aren't as many bugs.


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