Monday, August 24, 2009

I Can Feel It Coming On

Oh yeah, another painting project is erupting from my inner self. This finished garden shed is begging to be painted. But, I must finish the bathroom cabinet first.
Completely off not buy a Hoover Windtunnel vacuum cleaner. It is the worst thing ever.


  1. April2:42 PM

    I'm thinking you should paint something outragous on the barn..something that will make people look twice. Not bad..just VERY eye catching..What do you think?

  2. Like what? I was thinking something pretty tame like a window with shudders and big, tall sunflowers. But I'm kind of torn between that and something wildly psychedelic (sp?). I'm sure open to ideas.

  3. LOL, "Shudders"? What was I thinking? I meant shutters.

  4. April7:51 AM

    I don't know..I'll have to think about it..some type of mural though..and something totally 'out there'

    I got it..the chubacabra or know something like that. LOL


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