Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Shocking News

...well, not really. Tom abandoned the dangle stick in favor of a shock collar for Harry. With the dangle stick, it was either too long or too short or something. wasn't effective enough. So Tom put a collar on him and wears a remote control around his neck so that when Harry chases the chickens, he can give him a little shock. It's been two days, which isn't nearly enough time to train him, but he does seem to be getting the message.

I have a good video of Billy's funny behavior that I've been trying to post, but my internet connection has been hideous lately and won't let me upload the video. I'll get it on here ASAP. I'm pretty sure that Billy is in rut (male version of "in heat"). It's not the right season for it, so I don't know what that means, but he is displaying classic goat rut behavior...and it is nasty. He's quite smelly. I can smell him when I drive down the driveway. And when I feed him each day, he invariably gets his scent on me so that I smell like goat for the rest of the day. **gag** For my city slicker friends and family that don't know about goat behavior...when a male goat is in rut he pees on his face, in his mouth, on his lips, and on the backs of his front legs. **more gagging** When he pees on his lips, he'll lift his head and curl his upper lip so he can get a good whiff. He also makes funny noises constantly, and sticks his tongue out, flapping it at me, "blubbalubalub". He isn't mean, but he is quite aggressive when I'm in the pasture with him, which I try to avoid anyway because I don't want him making me stink. Oh yeah, and he "sneezes" on me all the time, which is probably what gets the smell on me when I'm putting feed in his bucket.


  1. I can't believe you didn't tell me that he'd been peeing on himself when I was standing out there with you. I almost touched him and his stupid little tongue!

  2. April7:38 AM

    I wonder WHY they do this? Surely they don't think its attractive to girl goats?

  3. Yes, girl goats love the tongue flapping and urine encrusted beard. Of course, girl goats are not terribly bright.

  4. That is..I think..the most disgusting thing I think I've ever heard. Blech.


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