Friday, June 05, 2009

News Flash

I heard a little news brief on the radio today and I wish I could remember all of the statistics they gave, but I can't (stinkin' aging brain). But it could explain somewhat why Americans have such a hard time keeping weight off.

The gist of it was that our food has more fat and less nutrition in it than it used to, even 20 years ago. They gave the example of chicken...something like 165 more fat grams, because instead of the chickens free ranging and eating what they would naturally eat and getting exercise, they are all stuffed into those chicken farms, standing around doing nothing but eating the fattening food that they are fed all day. Same for feedlot cows, pigs, etc.

And our vegetables don't have as much nutrition because they are treated with chemicals, which causes them to grow faster and they are picked before they have a chance to develop or absorb the nutrients that they would normally have.

So even those people who are trying to eat right by eating chicken without the skin, "lean" cuts of meat, and lots of veggies aren't able to keep the weight off or stay as healthy as they could.

1 comment:

  1. April8:30 AM

    This is also why the new puberty age is between 8 and 10. All the hormones they put in chicken and beef is magically transformed into our children's. I can only imagine what it's doing to adult bodies. They only tell you want they want you to know...I'm sure if we knew everything we'd all be stunned out of our minds.


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