Saturday, May 16, 2009

More Guard Duty



  1. April5:05 PM

    Is that right outside your big kitchen window? If so..ahhhh...he wants to come in and be close to ya'll..poor baby :o(

  2. Yes, that's where he is. That's where he hangs out when nobody is outside with him - especially if I'm at my desk. It's a good thing I don't like that little shrub he's laying on, or I'd be miserable seeing him laying on it...and chewing on it. I put a pot with some new petunias out on the front porch and he dug them up and tipped them over. arrgh.

    Pearlie hates for him to lay there. She throws a royal fit.

  3. Ahhh..thats sad..poor guy..he's lonely! He has nobody to play with :o(


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