Saturday, May 02, 2009

Look What Jasper Cat Found

This was in our front yard by the wishing well. I was headed out to the garden and saw Jasper acting funny. I went to see what was wrong and there was this snake. It's probably about four feet long and I don't know what kind. Tom carried it out by the pond and let it go.


  1. and why did you let it live?

  2. That looks ALOT like the snake I killed in my house. You can tell by the shape of it's head it's a bull snake..harmless..better to let it go. It will kill other snakes and rats/mice too. Good to know your cat can detect them!

  3. Yes, that's why we let it live.

  4. I was gonna come out with Paden sometime this summer...but snakes?! We shall see...haha.

  5. Harry will protect you.


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