Friday, May 01, 2009

It Has Come To My Attention...

...that I had not posted a picture of the finished chicken palace. The building is finished. The yard is only partially finished. We're going to put chicken wire across the top to keep out the airborne predators. So far, the system is working well. Tom put a little sliding door in the side so that we can open it up for the chickens to go outside during the day.

At night, we call them in, "Here chick, chick, chick!" and they all frantically run in to eat the chicken scratch. I had bought a little round bowl with several holes in the top for the chickens to eat out of, but they have outgrown it. Somehow, they would pack it tightly with hay and it would get buried in the litter, so that every time we went to feed them, we'd have to dig through the hay to find it, then dig the hay out of the little holes. What a pain that was. So Tom put the big trough I had gotten earlier in the coop and we feed them in that. When the chickens are eating it sounds like they're popping popcorn.

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