Sunday, February 22, 2009

...Later That Day

Larry and Terra came over this afternoon. Terra raised goats in high school, so we asked if she had any ideas on how to get Rose to eat. She did and she did.

Terra had several little tips and sat down with Rose to feed her the bottle. She discovered that Rose had a HUGE wad of cud in her mouth/throat, so Terra dug it out. We don't know if that was the whole problem, but Rose was able to finish the bottle, with Terra's help after the cud was removed.

So, she's better for now. At least she has milk in her tummy. We'll see how she does tonight.

ETA: After church, Tom, Meagan, and I went out prepared to milk Hyacinth and give Rose a bottle. But Rose jumped up on the milking stand with momma and started nursing. We decided to see if she could do it. She was having a little trouble, so I stuck my finger in her mouth and pulled out a wad of cud about the size of a muscadine. After that, she was able to nurse almost normally and filled her little belly.

I'll talk to the vet about why she's having problems with the cud. Maybe her rumen (whatever that is) isn't working properly.


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    YEAH FOR TERRA!!!!!!!!!!! Did you ever find out why her jaw was swollen?


  2. I'm not sure, but I think it was that huge wad of cud that was making her face look full. I mean, I don't know how she had room for it all. I guess she just packed it all in and then couldn't get it to go down or up. Her whole throat and mouth must have been packed. No wonder she couldn't get the teat in her mouth and couldn't hang on. Poor little thing - and we just kept jamming nipples into her mouth. We're idiots.

  3. yeah. i dont know if i did anything other than just pull all that cud out of her mouth :)

  4. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Terra, you did wonderful! I never even thought of something being stuck in her mouth..that's really yuckie. You look so sweet sittin' there feeding Rose :o) Glad to see she's better!


  5. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Who in the world says "muscadine"? Who even knows what that is?

  6. Who doesn't know what a muscadine is?

  7. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I don't know what a muscadine is or even how to pronounce it

  8. OH, the humanity!

  9. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Hmmpphh..I looked it up. Looks like it just a fancy grape or berry. 'Shell, are you gettin' to high-falutin' on us? LOL

  10. Just trying not to let schlepping goat poop ruin my vocabulary.


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