Saturday, February 28, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside

Bleh. Even though the sun is shining bright, it's cold here today and the wind is howling. Tom and I went to the First Monday Tree Blowout sale to buy some fruit trees. They advertised that all trees with white tags were $10. What they didn't advertise that the fruit trees with white tags were $15. That was kind of a bummer.

We tromped around in the howling wind and chose two Barlett Pear, two Bruce Plum, and two Golden Delicious Apple trees. When we got home, I looked in my Texas Organic Gardening book (Howard Garrett) to see of there were any special planting or care instructions. The first thing I read was that we should avoid planting Barlett Pears. Hmph. Well, it's too late now. I guess we'll just plant them and see what happens. Apparently, they are very susceptible to a disease called fireblight. There's nothing like doing your research after a purchase.

It wouldn't be so bad if we had made the mistake for just ourselves, but our neighbor wanted us to get some trees for her, too. She originally just wanted some oaks, but when we told her we were getting fruit trees, she changed her mind and told us to get whatever we were getting for ourselves. So now we each have two problematic, possibly useless, pear trees.


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I am TOTALLY LOVING THIS WEATHER!! Cold, windy..we've got the windows open and Drew is trimming trees.

    No peach trees? How can you live in the country without peaches? Unless you already have some on your place.

    Surely, Mr. Garrett can't be right all the time? Maybe this time he's wrong? Hopefully

  2. I actually have found Mr. Garrett to be wrong on a couple of occasions. However, I also read on another site that Barlett pears don't do well in TX.

    We intended to get peach trees, too. That's my favorite fruit. But they were sold out of peach trees.

    Where did you get your cold-loving blood? We're huddled up in two layers of clothes, boots, gloves, hats, and scarves.

  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Gag. April, it's FREEZING here. Sitting in the barn, it sounds like a tornado!

  4. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I don't know where I get it..I just LOVE winter. Maybe ya'll don't have enough skin on your bones..or probably I have to much!

    The girls were out yesterday helping Drew do yardwork. It was a HUGE fight to get Leah to wear a jacket! She had wind-burn on her little cheeks last night. It was really windy here too..reminded me of when IKE hit. We had the windows open all day and our bedroom window was open all night..I could feel the cold air blowing across my face..AAAAHHH!


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