Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I spent yesterday and today painting the guest rooms and hall leading to them. I finished the biggest one and ran out of paint before finishing the second. I'm painting everything Antique White and it took two coats to cover the green and purple in the biggest room. I think there were a million pin and nail holes in there that I had to patch.

Direct Buy has an account with Sherwin Williams paint supply store. I'm happy about that because that's the kind of paint I like to use anyway. I got the paint half price with the Direct Buy card, which was a happy surprise.

The cabinet installation is scheduled for Friday. Yesss!

When I got to the house today, there was water on the floor in the soon-to-be kitchen. Uh-oh. I think it might have come in under the doorway that we blocked off. I'm not sure what the short term solution to that will be, but the long term solution will be for us to build the new entryway that we were planning...and soon.


  1. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Do you have an animal trailer to get the donkeys and goats to the farm? Why did you just buy one goat? What if you don't buy several from the same herd and they hate eachother?

  2. We have Paden's utility trailer. The sides are high enough to haul smaller livestock around in.

    I just bought the one goat for a couple of reasons: (1) It's good to start a herd with totally unrelated goats so that there won't be inbreeding. (2) Since we aren't living out there yet, I can't care for female goats that have babies or need to be milked. It's going to be rather tricky caring for the one goat. I can't just stick him in the pasture by himself and leave him out at night. He's five months old and too young to fend off coyotes. That's why we need to put a donkey out there with him. They won't hate each other. They'll establish who's the boss and everything will be OK.


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