Wednesday, May 21, 2008


First, above is a picture of one wall of my kitchen cabinets. It's the "command center" where I'll put my computer, keep farm records and recipes, and have the intercom system.

Second, these are the guard donkeys. Tom wants to call them Hilde and Buffy, after the characters in Tom Hank's early hit TV show Bosom Buddies. I kind of wanted to call them names of flowers like Hyancinth and Daisy. Maybe we'll compromise and go with Tom's choice so I can save my flower names for the goats.

Speaking of goats, we ended up getting the little male goat yesterday...earlier than I had planned, but that's how it worked out. He's like a pet dog and wants to follow us around. It was very sad to leave him out in the pasture when we came home because he was standing on his hind legs looking over the fence bleating his little heart out.
Joanne (neighbor, former owner of farm) said he was bleating last night and they thought he was so cute. They felt bad for him and watned to bring him into their trailer to stay with their dog. I told Tom to tell her to feel free to do so because we felt bad for leaving him out there.

Both of the donkeys are pregnant and due soon - maybe within a month. I'm kind of bummed because they won't let me near them and they are not halter broke. I had wanted to have plenty of time for them to get used to me and let me handle them so that when their babies are born, I'll be able to get close to them. Since they're due so soon, that may not happen. It is also problematic that they aren't halter broke. There is no way for us to move them into another pasture if we need to.


  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I vote DAD'S choice! Wow, shocking - I think Dad's suggestions are better than yours. :)

    I like the flowers, too, but there will be lots more goats and there are lots more flower names.

    And, I think the cabinets are great. Won't it be nice to get away from the messy cabinets of the old house?

  2. OK. Buffy and Hilde (Hildy), it is. There's an English show on PBS that has a character named Hyacinth Bucket that is hilarious. Her family is just a working class family, but she puts on airs and pretends to be posh and sophisticated. When people pronounce her name, Bucket, she corrects them, "It's Bouquet (boo-kay)". It was with her in mind that I wanted to start with Hyacinth, but you're right, there will be more goats and lots of flower names, but there will only be four donkeys.

    What do you mean "messy cabinets of the old house"?! We have great cabinets in our kitchen! I wish we could take them with us.

  3. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Somebody did a bad job putting in the cabinets, that's all. I always get a little annoyed when I see the mistakes.

    I remember Hyacinth. She has sisters named Daisy and Rose. I also watched the show about the superhero and the one where a bunch of people work in a shopping center. Odd British shows...


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