Wednesday, April 16, 2008


My very good friend, Linda, went to the farm with me today and we scraped off wallpaper in the dining area. It was slow going because we had to tear off the top layer, then soak the backing and scrape it off. It's like twice the work. We finished about two-thirds of the room.

Our compost was delivered, so Tom came out to spread it and the other garden ingredients around and till them in good with the tractor. We have to wait a few days to allow the compost to cool and then we can plant. Woohoo! I'm going to the feed store tomorrow to see what kind of seeds I can get, then hope to plant on Friday if it isn't raining.

I had another contractor come out to give me a bid on tearing out the kitchen. He's supposed to call me soon with a quote. Also, the septic system installer came out to have a look. We currently have two systems for the house, but he's going to replace those with one large onem then put a system out by our barn site for the apartment. Septic installment is scheduled in two weeks.

We also decided on a barn builder - the first man to give us a quote. He came up with a more cost effective way to build it so that the existing structure can be enclosed, although the price has gone up overall because the cost of materials, especially metal, is soaring. We should be able to get that project under way soon.

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